

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Women spend 5 months of their lives deciding what to wear


Women sometimes get a bad rap for having a hard time deciding what to wear, but leave it to a uniform supplier to try to quantify just how much time they spend pondering outfits before heading out the door.


表示“看法,评价;反响”,英文解释为“a judgment or a reaction”举个🌰:

The new show got a bum/bad rap (= was severely criticized) in all the papers.


a bum rap 受冤枉(If you say that someone has got a bum rap, you mean that they have been treated unfairly or punished unfairly.)举个🌰:

He always said he was jailed on a bum rap (= false accusation).


She's gotten kind of a bum rap, you know. She's not at all the person she's perceived to be.



表示“沉思;考虑;琢磨”,英文解释为“to think about sth carefully for a period of time”举个🌰:

She pondered over his words.


A study of 2,000 women, commissioned by UK uniform supplier Simon Jersey, finds the average woman spends more than an hour per week—for a total of three days each year, or five months over a woman's working life from age 18 to 65—choosing what to wear.

It breaks down to about 12 minutes every workday morning, 10 minutes every weekend morning, and about 27.5 minutes before a night out. You think that's bad? Half of women also worry about their outfit the night before or before getting out of bed in the morning.


Even with all that planning, two-thirds of women admit to trying on multiple outfits before leaving the house; about 15% have regretted their choice and returned to pick something else.

It's no surprise, then, that about 25% say they've arrived late to work because of deliberating what to wear. What's to consider, exactly? Well, 37% of women who say choosing an outfit is stressful cite concerns about whether their choice is suitable for work.


替换上文的ponder,表示“慎重考虑;仔细讨论”,英文解释为“to think or talk seriously and carefully about something”举个🌰:

The jury took five days to deliberate on the case.


Other worries relate to the dress code, weather, looks, and whether it's flattering. Simon Jersey concludes uniforms could save time and stress; its survey doesn't explore how long men stand in front of the closet, but KIRO 7 has a theory: "They probably take just as long as women do. Maybe Simon Jersey doesn't have as many male uniforms to sell."

dress code

表示“着装标准;着装规定”,英文解释为“The dress code of a place is the rules about what kind of clothes people are allowed to wear there.”举个🌰:

There was a brutally enforced dress code, which required women to be covered from head to toe.



表示“使人显得更漂亮的;奉承的”,英文解释为“making someone look or seem better or more attractive than usual”,如:a flattering photograph 更显漂亮的照片 ,举个🌰:

That suit is very flattering.


See what women think about a lady in red:

Women Feel Threatened by Peers in Red


Researchers know that guys tend to find women in red to be alluring; now, they're investigating how women react to the color. Research headed by a University of Rochester psychologist finds that women see others wearing red "as if these other women are actively advertising" sexual availability. For instance, "there is a huge reluctance to introduce or let a boyfriend spend time alone (with a woman wearing red)," Adam Pazda tells LiveScience. "You see this defensive behavior intention, like, 'I don't want my boyfriend anywhere near this girl.'"


表示“诱人的,迷人的;吸引人的”,英文解释为“attractive or exciting”举个🌰:

I didn't find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.



除了表示“做广告,登广告”,还可以指“展现,宣传(自己的事)”,publicize的近义词,英文解释为“to show or tell sth about yourself to other people”举个🌰:

I wouldn't advertise the fact that you don't have a work permit.


His team referred to studies across two continents. In one, half of the women participating saw an image of a woman in red; the other half saw the same picture—except the woman was wearing white. Their responses supported statements like "this person is interested in sex," the Pacific Standard reports.

Another study saw subjects viewing photos of a woman in a red or green shirt. Asked how likely they'd be "to introduce this person to your boyfriend," women "reported stronger intentions to guard their mate from the target" when she was wearing red. Pazda emphasizes that his results refer to "tendencies" and aren't always applicable.


· 漂亮,迷人的:flattering/ alluring

· 仔细考虑,琢磨,深思:ponder/ deliberate

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